Our dream is to see Christians come together in every city and town of Europe to pray for and reach out to their neighborhood.
YouTurn Europe is inviting you to work together to reach Europe. We want to enable and give you the tools so that you can be a part of seeing God move in your friends, family and neighbourhood, together impacting the whole of Europe.
So many people in Europe don’t know who God is, and this group is growing larger. The Gospel is getting less popular and we are shifting away from our Biblical roots. But thankfully, there are many who still do believe in God and live for him. Through them, there is so much potential for the church to have an impact in their surroundings and in Europe.
We believe that lives will change if we, as Christians, come together to pray and seek Gods heart for our neighbourhood’s and start to respond to what God asks from us.
Why YouTurn Europe?
- We want to see Europe be transformed into a continent whose people love God and one another
- Through prayer God will give us his heart and dreams for our neighbourhood, country and continent so we will act from that.
- Jesus himself commissioned us to spread the good news and make disciples (Matthew 28:19)
- To see people grow into their identity as children of God and live out their call as bringers of the kingdom
- God has given us his heart to reach Europe and ‘YouTurn Europe’ is the vision and strategy we have been given.
YTE explained
1. Connect
2. Pray
3. Reach out
We invest in our relationship with God and one another.
Together we have fun, share meals, worship God and share life!
Ideas for connecting:
- Have dinner together
- A how you are doing-round
- Encourage one another
- Worship God
- Play a game
- Pray for one another
God created us for relationships. Jesus Himself calls us His friends (John 15:15). When Jesus sends out the disciples, He always sends them out together (Luke 10:10). Throughout the whole Bible God commands us to love one another (John 13:34).
Together we intercede for our neighbourhood and people who don’t know God yet.
Prayer ideas:
- Pray for specific people you know
- Pray for your neighbourhood
- Do a prayer walk
- Ask God how to pray
Through intercession our hearts align with God’s heart for our neighbourhood. We pray because the world is broken and our words can change it (Matt 6:10). We pray because Jesus said to pray, and not to give up (Luke 18:1-8).
God called us to make Jesus known with words and deeds. Therefore we reach out, individually and together, to those who don’t know Him yet.
Outreach ideas:
- Ask God for ideas
- Look for the need in your city and help out
- Join existing ministries
- Street evangelism
- Writing encouraging cards
- Serve practically
- Organize an Alpha course
- Organize a BBQ for the neighbours
- Talk about reaching out in your YTE-group
Jesus commissioned us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:18). Throughout the whole Bible God shows how He wants to make Himself known through us, His people (Exodus 7:5).